Why Free Advice Doesn't Work

We continue to try and improve mentally and physically ourselves to keep our mind sharp and keep doing research into what can limit ourselves.  As we do this, we continue to see how this relates to our customer base.  

In the research, we wanted to try and understand why some including us(not all) will not take action on advice given.  Here is an explanation that we have found through the search for improvement.

People discount advice from others as we “know “what’s best for ourselves. However, if a fee is paid for advice, more weight is considered to that advice. Think of asking your friend for life advice instead of going to see a therapist.

From the article: Do we listen to advice just because we paid for it? The impact of advice cost on its use Francesca Gino Carnegie Mellon University(current Harvard Professor)

In laboratory studies that have shown advice discounting, participants generally received advice for free (e.g., Gino & Moore, 2007; Yaniv, 2004).

So, to see if paying for advice would affect the use of the advice, Francesca Gino used 3 different studies to identify the use of the advice if it was free versus if it was paid for.

“The results of the studies show that participants relied more heavily on advice when it cost money than when it was free”.

Some of us read this and say “well duh”. But I think it is important to point out, we hear people all the time asking for free advice or when they get free advice, they don’t use it. Why, because our brains and egos will not allow it.

If you want to generally improve your place in physical health, mental health, business, or life choices, free advice doesn’t work, and it won’t work in your grain marketing either.  We encourage you to continue your improvement both mentally and physically and continue to search for improvement.


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